I help people with their questions about work and life


I coach and train in the following fields:

  • (personal) questions in life
  • professional and personal development for trainers and coaches
  • (personal)leadership and leadership development in organizations
  • teamdevelopment

I enjoy helping people in their process of becoming who they really are, so that they can be true to themselves in both their life and their work. People learn to experience that we are one being, and that there is no need to split ourselves into a work persona and a private persona, or to differentiate between business and spiritual identities.  As a result, people sometimes take brave and emotional decisions. I love it when this happens. That's what I enjoy most about my work and what inspires me.  

I work as a coach and advisor in various sectors: police, retail, government, business services, healthcare and manufacturing. I love both the different disciplines that I work in and the diversity in organizational cultures that I come across.